I messed up today.
Several times.
I’m not sure why so many times in one day (!), but…
I didn’t read properly. I didn’t think properly. I replied to people too quickly, off-the-cuff. I was trying to do a million things at once — and wanted to do all of them well. Of course what happened is that I did none of them well and hurt a few people in the process.
I should have read my own post from a while back.
I should have responded rather than reacted.
I should have breathed more and drank more water.
I am grateful that people are kind. I am grateful that I have developed relationships solid enough that these nippy bits don’t mean “it’s all over” or that I’m not worthy of being a friend or collaborator and that people haven’t given up on me. I am grateful that people are compassionate and communicative. I am grateful that people tell me when I’ve messed up, and I’m even more grateful when they do so with grace and humour. This is how I learn.
I am an unfinished human being and I’m still learning. I’m getting better (I used to make these mistakes way more often!) but still learning.
Thank you.
The thing about being a human being that is both scary and beautiful is that we will never be “finished.”
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