
I don’t want to go into a whole lot of detail on this, but today’s truth is really not new. It’s just something I personally need to pay more attention to. 

New doors can’t open until current ones are closed. 

And by closed I mean SHUT TIGHT. 

Historically, I’ve been really good at starting things and not as good at finishing them. This doesn’t mean I never finish anything — I do. I have finished 3 degrees, the most recent of which included an 86-page thesis which damn near killed me. Finishing that was one of the most difficult things I’ve done. I finish all kinds of things: cooking meals, unit plans, books, Angry Birds, and I even once sewed a skirt. (It was a long time ago, but it counts!)

But… I’m much better at starting things. I heart beginnings. 

The problem is, I’ve discovered, that when I don’t properly finish things, I often leave them cluttered about my life. This means they occupy valuable latent space that could be better put to use by new things and energy that offer more value or return. 

I need to stop doing this. I need to follow these basic rules:

  • If you take it out, put it back. 
  • If you turn it on, turn it off. 
  • If you open it, close it. 

(I actually think these rules deserve to be examined literally in my life, too, as well as figuratively, as I realize I currently have 31 tabs open in two browsers. Um, yeah.)

I am going to start paying more attention to this. Close doors that I opened. That’s it. It’s that simple. CLOSED. And then move on to find bright shiny new doors full of opportunity! 🙂 

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