Friends like family

Friends like family.

We all have these, don’t we? They are the people who have been in our lives a very long time — so long that at some point, we can’t remember when they entered. Or, their entrance was just so natural that it all seemed to fit.

They stay with us over the years, even when we lose touch, move, get married, have kids, travel, lose our jobs, get sick, and more. We might not talk all the time during all of these things, but we know these friends are there for us. In many ways, as it is with family, we often take them for granted.

I was blessed to spend some face-to-face time with one of those friends today. I am blessed to have him in my life. We have maintained a friendship for the last 30+ years, through thick and some very very thin. In many ways, we know each other better than any others — even family. It’s both weird and wonderful.

For this, I am so grateful.

Friends like family? Or friends who ARE family?

I prefer the latter.

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