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Author Archives: adrienne
This demand for respectful silence in the wake of a public figure’s death is not just misguided but dangerous. That one should not speak ill of the dead is arguably appropriate when a private person dies, but it is wildly inappropriate for the dea… Continue reading
music and politics
This track is more than 20 years old. I, however, only discovered it about 6 years ago… I can’t remember how. Probably in a yoga class somewhere (it was early in my Michael Franti journey). It came up today on shuffle while I was at the gym, and… Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged expression, lonely, lyrics, michael franti, music, politics, stuck
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Stuck, but thinking about Lightfoot and Dad
I’m behind again. Wednesday: was out late with Twitter friends… no post. Thursday: had an overly-intense workout that left me in much pain (more on this later — much learned). Was in bed early (unlike me) and very sore… no post. Friday: resto… Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged childhood, dad, family, lightfoot, memories, music, nostalgia
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Bloody hard work, this exercise thing
I have to exercise. I don’t particularly enjoy (most of) it, but I can definitely see the benefits of being active 3 or even 4 times a week. But 5 or 6? What the… I’ve recently begun training (thanks, Aimee) to get on track with my fitness. I ha… Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged exercise, fitness, health, osteopenia, schedule, time, time management
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another gratitude post
Truth: I’m very tired and have spent the last several hours researching flights and crunching numbers. Truth: This summer will be very expensive and I’m rather concerned/anxious/fretful about this. Truth: I don’t have any real major truths or insi… Continue reading
Perfect, happy Easter!
Today followed through on yesterday’s expectations. It was soooooooo lovely. I have lovely friends here in Singapore: I am so lucky. I know this because I have lived on this earth long enough to have experienced fairweather friends, party friends,… Continue reading
Easter, lilies, and memories.
It’s been a complicated week for many reasons. Nothing too crazy; just complicated. So, let’s keep this simple today. My favorite flower: Always has been, probably always will be. Why? I’m not sure, but I am thinking it has something to do with th… Continue reading
Springing out of bed
This morning I woke up to an alarm. I hate having to wake up to an alarm on weekends or holidays, but I had an important appointment and I really couldn’t miss it. The trouble was, I was still having difficulty getting out of bed, and I kept hitti… Continue reading
Yesterday: Existential Migration
I posted this on Facebook and Twitter last night, but was too tired to write about it at that moment, so I’m writing about it today. Last night, my friend Aimee (also my new personal trainer) posted this Wikipedia link with the simple comment “Yes… Continue reading
I don’t want to go into a whole lot of detail on this, but today’s truth is really not new. It’s just something I personally need to pay more attention to. New doors can’t open until current ones are closed. And by closed I mean SHUT TIGHT. Histor… Continue reading