May 262011

Conversations heard between 11:15-11:35pm Thursday night on Houston St, from Avenue A to Thompson St.


“It’s easy. We just take the six.”

“The six?”

“Yeah, the six. We on the east side now.”


“I’m sorry, baby, I can’t take you ‘less you going uptown.” (a cabbie shouting out his window to the Australian tourist who had flagged him down.)


“Dude, she took him to Katz’s and then back to her apartment and… that was IT.”


“Why you always yellin’? Why you always so noisy?”

“Cause we in Manhattan! No one even notices here!”


“The whole places has like… bugs and stuff… eew!”

“Yeah, not really a place with that sexy feeling.”


“I been tryin’ to call you but you don’t answer your phone.”

“What’s that? Oh, yeah. I usually can’t hear it because of the traffic.”
