Dec 162010

190 Keynote slides

136 printed pages

84 Foursquare library check-ins

80 pages of handwritten notes

75 litres of coffee

43 archived email conversations

30 Bobst library room reservations

30 hardcover books (including 1 overdue and 1 purchased)

22 journal articles

12 bottles of red wine

10 Lindt 70% dark chocolate bars

8 binder clips

8 websites

4 full-sized bags of potato chips

4 late nights (post-1am) at Waverly Diner

4 blog posts

4 unicorn references

3 library evacuations

3 recorded Skype calls

3 orders from Arturo's pizza

2 bags of M&Ms

1 library locker

1 silent dancing session

1 free meal

1 IB office visit

1 flask

1 bottle of champers, shared

1 breakdown, tears included

1 lost NYU ID card

1 west-coast hippie intellectual fantasy (a la Wenger, White, & Smith)

½ bottle of Mount Gay rum

countless visits to

endless support from friends, colleagues, and family

Thank you.