Jan 262010

Welcome to ASCD EDge

Get started by creating your own free profile page. You’ll also be able to network with colleagues, share photos and videos, and send updates to and receive them from other ASCD EDge members.

What ASCD EDge Members Are Discussing

ASCD is attempting to create an online network for educational professionals. They clearly haven’t heard the “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” adage. Online networks like EDge already exist in several forms — via Twitter, Facebook, and umpteenzillion Nings. What will make EDge different, other than the ASCD brand? C’mon, ASCD… keep up with the times.

  4 Responses to “ASCD EDge: A Professional Networking Community … that’s already happened elsewhere”

  1. Adrienne, I just linked to this post over at mine:http://bit.ly/c9JAF5Great minds think alike!

  2. Adrienne, Thanks for this post and for your thoughtful comment on our blog post response (http://ascd.typepad.com/blog/2010/01/why-ascd-edge.html) about why we developed EDge. I encourage you and your readers to continue to share feedback and comments about the platform so that we can continually improve it for our users.

  3. Stray character! Here’s the correct link to ASCD’s post on EDge: http://ascd.typepad.com/blog/2010/01/why-ascd-edge.html

  4. Melissa – thanks for the benefit of the doubt! My post was not nearly as thoughtful as Scott’s (I did mine on the fly, not really thorough). I’ve spent a bit of time on EDge but am not too impressed yet, sorry.

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