Small Somethings

There are times when Something happens in a very small way, just to let you know you’re alright and on track.

These Small Somethings — VERY different from Little Things, as posted a few days ago — are often signs. They are subtle. They often are manifested via people who maybe (probably) don’t even know they are signs or a Small Something or a Small Anything. These sincere, unknowing conduits are just going about their day, doing what comes naturally to them, doing “their thing” without any real thought, just being themselves. And then that being crosses into your being and *poof* without knowing it, they have become or created a very important Small Something.

And oh –how beautiful it is! It is magic.

Thank you to the stranger today (David at Uva, if you ever read this, you know who you are), going about his day and just doing his regular thing, for being that Small Something for me today. I’m glad I at least learned your name.

With gratitude.

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