Apr 092008

Courtesy of my school director, this article landed in my Inbox today.   The United Nations and Google are teaming up so that Google Earth users can now see where refugees are all over the world.  It’s there as a layer in the regular Google Earth service, showing the operations of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

What a great learning tool — for community service, for Humanities / Social Studies classes, for learning in general.

My favorite quote:

Johnstone [UNHCR Deputy High Commissioner] stressed that the agency had to change how it works to keep pace with technological developments as well as the increasing complexity of refugee issues, with economic migration and displacement due to climate change adding to traditional patterns of refugees forced from their homes by conflict.

(MYP teachers, see how many references to Areas of Interaction you can find in that one statement!  🙂 )

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 9 April, 2008  Posted by at 2:21 pm Cool Tools Tagged with: , , , , , ,  Add comments

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